Sunday, March 13, 2005

2005-03-13 The New York Times

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WHAT I'M WEARNING NOW: The Pianist-Singer


She owns four tutus, which she wears over jeans, and collects T-shirts with chil- dren's TV characters on them. "I have a strange appreciation for clothes be- cause I came from Soviet Russia," she said. "We had uniforms, and you got whatever your parents could get second- hand. As a teen, I was confused by the idea of shopping off the rack, where you'd see 12 of the same thing. So I'd go to thrift stores. I'd buy a sweater and Scotch tape stuff to it."

Here, Ms. Spektor wears a sweater from H&M with a silk tie she found on the Lincoln Center subway platform and and-washed, she said, "to make it crin- kly." But she is learning to appreciate finer pieces, too. Her tweed skirt is by Cacharel (a gift), and her boots are vin- tage Vivienne Westwood. "You can see the artfulness and thoughtfulness in de- signer clothes," she said. "They're very comfortable. When I first saw this skirt, I thought, 'I knew I'd meet you all my life.' " JENNIFER TUNG

[PHOTO] Hiroko Masuike for The New York Times

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