Sunday, June 18, 2006

You're too old for precocious. You're too young for me.

Don't say I didn't warn you about the quality...but there's at least one nugget here that you probably haven't heard before.

13 March 2002, The (Original) Living Room, New York

Twenty Years of Snow
Bonne Idee
8th Floor
Mustard Musketeers
A Lesson in How Fleeting Preservation Is
Love Affair
In case you're wondering, Morgan Taylor's Rock Group (whom Regina mentions at the outset) no longer exists as such (which is sad, because it really did rock), but you can check out what Morgan Taylor & co. are up to these days at Gustafer Yellowgold music.


Doro said...

sweeeeet, thank you!

Coluch said...

Woot! A new/old song and a live version of Braille to boot! You are truely kind, sir SRG. Many gracious thank-you's.

Anonymous said...

To my joy I see most of Virgin Queen's lyrics are up! Been waiting a while (no complaints). I can fill in a couple blanks:

"headless mother, heartless fodder"

"in the end, you try to rule as best as you can
but the crown gets cold, and mind gets old, and all of the gold...
in the end
it's just a bed
and the thing we've made
have begun to fade"

Also, the last question marked section of your lyrics is non-worded.

Thanks verrry much for the other bits though! Oh, and I saw Queen Spektor a week ago in London- her venues keep getting grander. And she's slightly stylized quite a few of her songs, experimenting with her voice, which certainly improves the 50th hearing of Samson!

no complaints! Regina Forever.

Anonymous said...

I found the russian lyrics to "8th Floor:"

восьмой этаж /the eight floor
восьмой этаж /the eight floor
все высоко / everything's high
все надо мной / everything is above me

вот идет домой / somebody is coming home
карман пустой / pocket is empty
хоть милостыню просите / you could go begging
три рубля на водку и буханку белого хлеба / it's three rubles for vodka and a loaf of white bread.

а теперь, наверное, все дороже / but now, for certain, everything's more expensive
и дорожки те забыты / and the old paths are forgotten
а над ними паруса / above them we set sail

первый этаж / the first floor
я маленькая / I'm really small
все высоко/ everything's high
все надо мной / everything is above me

восьмой этаж / the eight floor
Америка / America
я высоко/ I am high
все подо мной / everything is below me


восьмой этаж / vassmoy etazh
восьмой этаж / vassmoy etazh
все высоко / fsyo vuhsaka
все надо мной /fsyo nado m'noy

вот идет домой / vot idyot domoy
карман пустой / karman poostoy
хоть милостыню просите / khot milost-uh-nyu prasitye
три рубля на водку и буханку белого хлеба / tree rooblya na vodkoo e bookhankoo belava khleba

а теперь, наверное, все дороже / a teper, navernoye, fsyo dorozhye
и дорожки те забыты / e dorozhkii te zabuhtuh
а над ними паруса / a nad nimi paroosa

первый этаж / p'yervee etazh
я маленькая / ya malinkaya
все высоко / fsyo vuhsako
все надо мной / fso nado m'noy

восьмой этаж / vassmoy etazh
Америка / A'meri'ka
я высоко / ya vuhsaka
все подо мной / fsyo podo m'noy
я высоко... / ya vuhsaka

Anonymous said...

I was reading the Bobbing For Apples lyrics, and if it isn't too forward o me, I'd like to make a correction:

'I'm dating Jack Daniels with Kalevs and Miss Nicotine'

The Kalevs is a guess. I hear Calebs but that means nothing to me, but Kalevs is Estonian candy. Meh, y'never know.

Anonymous said...

The Russian in Apres Moi is some cheap translation from or something. This one is more accurate:

"February, pick up your pen and weep,
Write poems about february in sobs and ink,
While thunder booming in the background
Is burning in the black of spring ."

It's poetry, not fragments.

Anonymous said...

nick pass, I really like that translation- did you do that yourself, or get from somewhere? I know it's unlikely that you'll read this comment, and sorry to the site owner for treating this as a message board, but I'd REALLY like a quality translation of the rest of BP's 'February, pick up your pen and weep' poem.

I found one online, but it wasn't as good as the stanza you posted; my own Russian is pretty rudimentary and leads me nowhere poetical right now.

So here's hopin'...

Anonymous said...

um, i apologize too, for treating this as a message board, but it seems to be the place where the most hax-est regina fans congregate, so i was wondering if there were any alternate performances of either "loveology" or "aquarius" other than the tonic and sin-e ones (respectively) available from the wires here. thank you and i apologize, but i love these songs and am dying to hear more of them! (also, i'm sorry i didn't sign in, but i seem to have forgotten my password, but i'm the sgt. slaughter who commented up there)

Anonymous said...

the missing lyrics in Lacrimosa are:

Lacrimosa dies illa,
qua resurget ex favilla

judicandus homo reus -
Huic ergo parce, Deus.


That tearful day,
when from the ashes shall rise again

sinful man to be judged.
Therefore pardon him, o God.

(from the latin Requiem text)


Anonymous said...


I came by to ask if you still needed the Latin lyrics of Lacrimosa, but I see I've been beaten to it!

Thanks a million for the site, and especially all the recordings on it (for those of us not fortunate enough to have seen Regina live, that's particularly amazing)!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me how to download these songs off this site -so I can listen to them without being online- since I can't purchase them as a CD? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Regina Interview & Missbehave story...

Regina Spektor Unedited Missbehave Interview

Regina Spektor Missbehave Article

Anonymous said...

i think the word missing on dusseldorf is "mother"....

threechordme said...

are you going to do this to the NPR REOCRDING it was a very nice recording but needs to be chopped up still

Anonymous said...

This is a great website. I thought you might be interested in a live review I did of Regina Spektor. I saw her in Chicago at Park West. You can read the review here!

Anonymous said...

you can get the "not english words" to 8th floor on this site in russian, or romanized russian at this website.

sorry im not so good at html tags..